Where do I begin?

My name is Sinead Rice blessed to be the mother of four unique and healthy children and married to Pete who is my best friend. I have been on my own journey and still am, but now I feel ready to help others in similar situations that I found myself in.


The Journey  

I created a 28 day self-care journal to help others as it helps me. In the journal I explain how taking time and putting myself first changed my perspective, thinking and life. Little did I know that this was only the beginning. 10 years ago, I had no confidence, a negative self-image, I was constantly overthinking and had no self-belief. I was very lonely. 

I knew something had to change. I had a burning desire to help other women who felt the same as me. To do this I had to work on myself at a deep level, so I did. I tried and tested many different methods and techniques, some gave me joy and happiness and some peace and contentment and others I hated. This is a process which I taught myself and has formed the basis of my self-care journal. 

These tools and mechanisms have helped me overcome some of the hardest days of grief, anxiety and daily struggles in my life. I now have now found my purpose as a wife, mother, daughter, sister and friend. Now my passion is to help similar people in my situation.
To guide and help navigate them through feelings and emotions to find a  purpose.

Are you ready to start your own unique journey?